Wednesday, August 27, 2008

another day another measly dollar

"listen up motherfucker this is mack 10"

how i would love to begin every sentence this way...but alas, my name is not mack 10. so i find myself yet again at work. where else would i be at 7am on a weekday? if i had my way, it would be, still in bed. anywho....i'm retarded. i need to start doing exercise because i'm getting fatter. it wouldn't bother me if my clothes still fit, but they are beginning not to. i need help. the end

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

holy shit

there's a rumbly in my tummy and i can't take it yo.
this is when i wish i could beam myself to my house instantaneously.
oh jesus...i knew i shouldn't have had that fiber one bar at work.
je suis in pain.
too much information, i know, but no one reads this, so it's all good.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

i love lists...not to be confused with tits...although those are nice too

To Do Thursday
1. water all indoor plants, plant in garage and front yard plants
2. bring in trash can
3. pick up dog poo and ciggy butts
4. sweep kitchen
5. clean restroom
6. put away clothes
7. make dinner
8. go grocery shopping
9. sort bills
Damn this totally seems like too much to do in the hours after work. I know i won't complete this list but seeing it will hopefully put my gears in motion. i'm most interested in chilling though. blargh....the barbq is this saturday. i don't think my friend knows how much work is involved in an endeavor of this sort. she plans on getting all dressed and looking beautiful and blah blah blah. well that's nice, while you do that i'll chill over this hot grill cooking meat and sweating profusely. hey guys, don't i look good.
I might try some psychadelics this weeekend. i am excited. my friend is so focused on guys though. i don't think it'll be the same as X, in that it won't be about touching people and shit. i tried to tell her this but i don't know if she understands....ughh i want to do things one way and she wants them another. i need more friends. i need intellectually challenging friends. i'm at work right now, but if i wasn't i'd scream out in frustration.
I received some baked goods from my friend in cali. they're delicious but they put me to sleep, well not really, but they don't wake me up either. anywho...i'm over it...over it all.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

life is so much better when...

when you're 40 minutes away from quittin' time.