Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Haters: born or made?

When the topic concerns ones love life, or maybe perhaps lack there of, haters are most often made. In my case, definitely made. What i'm hatin' on today is that pesky business of liking someone. Of course it's unrequited, if it were any different i might die of shock.

So for the past six, maybe seven months i've been getting to know some foolio and of course i had to take it there and want to be more than friends. Realistically i know this won't work because 1)we live too far away, 2)he doesn't like me. Perhaps that should've been number 1. Instead of liking me has chosen to like my best-friend and you know what, that's cool. I'm not trying to be a hater on this one. If i'm going to hate, i should hate on the fact that i like people too quickly. I just can't seem to help it but i'm attracted to guys that can be weird and obscure, like myself. I just need to remember that no matter how many laughs there are or even if i think i'm making progress in the 'friendship' relationship, there will always be a girl out there who makes the guy feel so special, you know, able to open up. It never hurts that these girls just happen to be gorgeous. Okay, i am being a hater. Some people say this is natural, in this situtation. I sometimes agree.

Speakin' of hate, i found out why an ex friend of mine dropped me like i was hot. Turns out i was too much of a hater for her. She also felt i was hatin' on her life. What do i have to say about this? I don't recall doing that. I would prefer to think of things differently. I felt myself to be a supportive friend but what can i say, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and feelings. I'm upset because she cut me off like a gangrenous appendage. No warning, no words, no hey, i just don't like you anymore. Even that is preferable but instead i'm in a position i've never been in before. I hate being rejected.

What i did learn from all this mess though, is that perhaps i should try to tone down on the hatin', not all of it, just some of it.

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