Monday, July 7, 2008

my feels like bursting

i have this song going through my head right now. it's a song by the aislers set called 'chicago new york. this is the part that is making me want to cry:
"New York was more of the same
'Til somebody mentioned your name
And I broke down and cried
With less than a day to decide
As much as I don't like to fly
I was in the air again
And I never thought I'd care again
And how do I say that I made a mistake
I wanna try, try, try again
I wanna try, try, try again."

belle and sebastian is also running about my head making me sentimental. and all of this
because of one trip to seattle. i just really wish i had never liked that boy because seeing
him with my friend was really really difficult. i know i should be an adult about it and just
be happy for everyone, but it's too fresh. and he doesn't even know...and even if he knew,
what of it, right? i wish i could just be over it. instead here i am typing this shit, trying to swallow the lump in my throat and hoping that my eyes aren't noticeably red because
i'm crying now. okay the more crying and my next post will hopefully have fun stories
about seattle...for now everyone can suck my big fat black balls. i believe that little tidbit is material from the trip....good times

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