Saturday, September 26, 2009

i love my mom

we just finished talking for an hour. i told her to come visit me in mexico already. that got a good laugh. i wish i could go visit her/go home already. i do miss new mexico. i wish my teeth were fixed already. it may just be that i'm alone with granny in the house right now. my aunt left to visit her daughter for a week. my uncle and cousin are working. i just got a tooth extracted so i can't smoke, i can't drink....i may go crazy. damn mosquitos keep biting me. my cousin had a mosquito bite her and now she has the dengue or something like that. i have no clue what's going on over here. okay...time to eat breakfast. i wish i could blast my jams but of course this old lady is praying for the umpteenth time, in the living room. i bet if i go to the room, she'll find her way over there. i'll just have to take that chance.

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