Sunday, September 27, 2009

lazy sunday

i wish i could fast forward time. i say this because then my tooth will have healed and i could smoke a cig. the first time i quit smoking i did it when i got another tooth taken out. the thought of not smoking depresses me. i went through this the first time as well. i know i can quit and it's for the best but i don't want to. like i said i'd like to fast forward to when i can smoke. i need to buy razzle dazzle. a beer would be nice as well. damn you anitibiotics.

anywho, i made pancakes today. they're really good. they have bananas, walnuts and raisins. i accompanied them with eggs and bacon.

today at 6:30pm will be the three day mark, for the teeth. two more days and i can smoke. damn you dry socket threat.

i took a really nice crap today. the end.

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