Monday, August 24, 2009

i feel like a peeping tom

this is my cousin's lovely

yes i'm looking at you

i'm video chatting with one of my cousins and her brothers happen to be there as well. they are playing rock band and all i can do is watch. i wish i was there. i miss them. my aunt probably misses them more than i do though. she is their mother after all.

i wish these blasted teeth would be fixed magically so i could travel already. but it's okay. i do plan on staying here until the end of october so hopefully that'll give me time to party it up in another state...

anywho...i really want to smoke a joint. i have to wait until around twelve though...maybe one am when the streets are relatively empty so i can do it outside. of course granny will probably never go to fucking sleep. how could she.

the end.

i miss my friends

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