Friday, August 28, 2009

one mo time

so i'm counting down the days until i get to be "going going back to back to cali cali." the only thing is that "if i had to choose a coast, i got to choose the" WEST, i used to live out there, so don't go there. okay i'm done with notorious. it's all about westside connection anyways.

i had another strange dream. i remember that i saw this one dude i met on okcupid. we hung out more than once and i liked him, but he dropped me like i was not hot. ha. anywho, back to the dream. for some reason i see him and decide to approach. i think i had nowhere to go. something may have happened to where i was supposed to be. something like total annhialation. so i go up to him to say hello. he is wearing a white a thin shite t-shirt. i see that he has a huge tattoo of a knight, as in the chess piece. it's on the front of his body and on the back. we start chit-chatting. for some reason i'm standing behind him and i decide to scratch his back. he flinches hardcore because i scratched his tattoo. it was a big area of all black. i'm not sure what happened then. weird.

i need to get my period already. come on...please. i've been bitching for a while now and it's late already. please just get here so i don't have to worry about it while i'm in l.a. fucking timing. that concludes my period rant.

i'm totes making leah and balls this awesome embroidery thingy. i should get back to work on it. it takes forrrreeeeevooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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