Monday, August 17, 2009

i've got a case of the sads

so my cousin left today to live in another state. i feel alone now. i have to stay here another month to get my teeth fixed and i just wish he was here. i walked to the place that we go to razzle-dazzle and i had to hold back the tears. this morning he was here and now he's gone. poof...gone.

i need to pep the fuck up but i feel so blah. he's probs hanging out with his friends right now. times like these make me miss my friends, but i will see them soon at the wedding. 10 days in cali should do me good.

need to buy:
5 tubes of toothpaste..the good shit
1 mens deodarant
1 tube of fixodent
and whatever else i see that's cool maybe some more art things for my cousin...maybe some shoes if i see a good deal. the end. i need to shower then probably go to sleep. no reason to stay up later.

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