Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i think i felt more connected

well...i shouldn't say 'i think' because i did feel that way this morning. i'm trying to go back to what i learned from Tolle and now what i'm reading in my current book, Facing the Lion, Being the Lion, by Mark Nepo. It's about courage, what it is, how we can find it and how to use it. It has pulled me in. At first i find myself hesitant to read it because i think, what else could i be doing, but when i open it up i find that i don't want to put it down.
aaahhhhh...i guess right now i'm on a journey trying to learn how to live with myself, how to accept everything that i am, how to enjoy everything that happens everyday because each experience is unique. if i can quiet the voice in the head, all the unnecessary thinking, i can find moments of peace. they don't last too long but i guess that's the thing to remember. we can't hold on to things that bring us happiness. those things are not meant to be captured. we have to experience them, then let them go, knowing that we will encounter them again.
i feel silly when i talk about these things, but they are true to me. i want to feel connected with everything and everyone on this planet. i want to change my perspective from , 'why am i alive, life sucks," to, "this is awesome, i love." i didn't say i love a, b, or c because i think love in general is enough. loving all encompassingly is probably the best.

anywho...i'm at work and i'm thinking about a pottery class i'll be going to after work. i'm very excited to get to play with clay.....and the wheel.....
i'm currently listening to one song on repeat on itunes. Song: Don't Die In Me. Artist: Mirah.
i love it.
i'm looking forward to having my sister here for two weeks for Christmas. now that holiday time is upon us it's time to get baking. i'm making some cookies today. i'm going to make these angel cookies .

the end. i guess it's time to work....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lol yes, thinking "wy am i alive, life sucks" is no good. But wait, we can't label what is good or bad. Hmmf...well, its no productive. Is that mobetta? Oh wait, if things can't be good then they can't be better...aaah, Tolle might drive me crazy. Of all people!