Tuesday, November 25, 2008

long-disatance runner

every hello is an eventual goodbye.
all i can do is take you in with my eyes,
but that's never enough.
the touch is needed
to see if you're real.
i doubt my existense, as well.


the sun was coming in too bright through the window for it to be five thirty am. it was in fact seven twenty three and she was late again. no use rushing now...now that she knew she would be really late. how does one find the drive to get out of bed when you just barely got into it a few hours before. yes, it was only five hours ago that she had met beard-man. four hours ago that she had gone into a closet with him to fiddle around. she was very interested in fiddling but not the instruments. certain instruments were more useful than others in situations where one finds oneself in a closet with a bearded man. "harder," she told him.


i can't hold on to you through your memory.
i have no claim to your time.
you've found your other
so you've got to spend all your time with him not me.
even if we are 1200 miles apart and your actions are logical...
i feel you leaving.
but i've heard that's life...i guess i'm still waiting.


you can't rewrite history
so go out and make your own
or stay in and make it with
the wringing of your hands
as they contemplate the void.

tip:if you get an inkling that you should shower,
it's best not to ignore that feeling/hunch. crunch munch


the phone rang at two pm.
it reverberated through the house,

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