Monday, March 31, 2008

pros and cons of hatin'

For a long time now I've considered myself to be somewhat of a hater. I often go off on, well, most things. Being a hater is not an easy thing. There are several things to consider before taking the plunge into haterdom.

1) Not everyone will like you. This is fine though because you already hate them so their opinions do not matter.

2)People you thought were also fellow haters and friends may drop you like it's hot. At first they seem to be down with you, then they start to believe that hatin' is not a good thing. They are wrong.

3)You may be surprised to discover that in some places of the U.S., people convince themselves that being uber-p.c. is the way to go. Their reactions to your thinly-veiled rascist joke may not go over so well. People are funny.

In conclusion, as a hater it is your responsibility to keep it real; to let others know what you think, when you think it. For instance, right now I am thinking that highly priced air travel tickets can suck my balls. No, no wait...technically i suck their balls, they did get my money after all.

ps. there will be ball sucking.