Friday, January 23, 2009

blowin' kisses to disinterested bitches

i really like this song (Good Friday) by the band Why?. it was burned on a mix-cd. it's a really good cd. props to good mix-cd makers. anywho. i'm at work and i have cramps. can i go home now? probs not cuz i stayed home yesterday. i did absolutely nothing and it was glorious. today i cannot do nothing. today immediately after work i run errands and clean.

so the thing w/the boy is cloudy right now. i can see how people go crazy in situations regarding the opposite sex, if you're into that opposite-sex thing. anywho, he said he'd call and he didn't and now i'm like freaking out...sort of. maybe it's all the period hormones but i wish i had more clarity about the situation.

oh poops...i still have to call and cancel todays therapy. i have too much cleaning to do.

the end for now. i bore myself. i'm going to do work now.

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