Friday, January 9, 2009

wah wah wee wah

i'm hesitant about therapy. i mean, it's nice once i'm there, but i guess that's how i feel about everything. i want to do things but don't want to do the work, but when they're actually hapenning i'm glad i did it.

[muh hair smells so good right now....................................................
i have to go #2.......................................................................
i want to go bowling...]

so i've got therapy today...i wonder what i'll talk about? probs about how life is b/ just kidding. i'm working on that...anywho.

i woke up feeling super refreshed this morning. my mom folded my big mexican blanket in half, laid it atop the flannel sheet and under a colorful squares polyester quilt thing my deceased uncle made years ago. so in conclusion, that blankets were heavy on me, just the right amount of heavy...enough so that i wasn't wiggling around too much all night. and i don't remember any dreams, so yay. cuz when i do then i get to thinking and you know i don't need that. although day before yesterday i did dream about my teeth...about how one of them was falling apart. scary...cuz it's kinda true, but anyway, i want to dream about something that will tell me something about my life, or what's to come. i wish i could rely on a dream to show me the way or give me hope about things, but for the most part all that my dreams do are frustrate me. blargh....i need a dude, or not. who knows?

i'm out...time to work and stuff.

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