Tuesday, January 20, 2009

i feel so down, man

with my mom now gone, now i feel sad again. i knew i was going to be sad when she left. anywho, now i'm all alone in that house and i need a schedule and i need to start doing things.
To Do:
1. Clean Kitchen
2. Organize Cabinets
3. Clean out Fridge
4. Clean turtle tank
5. Clean bathroom
6. Clean room
7. Do massive food prep
8. Prepare food menu for upcoming week
9. Go for a daily walk
10. Play with guero
11. Pick up his crap
12. Pay the bills
13. Buy water
14. Organize records

i'm sure there will be more but as long as i do 1-2 of these a day i should consider myself successful. i really need to put some sort of lock on the tv and have the couch vanish so i won't park my buns there immediately after work. i need to have more discipline. blargh. i also didn't lost significant weight this week. that sucks. oh well. maybe i shouldn't eat cookies and milk when i wake up at night (1am). yes that would definitely help. okay....i think i feel better. blargh.

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