Your result for The Crazy Test...
You're insane!
You scored 4 Sane, 6 Insane, 2 Crazy, 6 Weird and 4 NeedHelp!
Don’t take that the wrong way. There’s nothing wrong with you.
Deep down inside: you wish someone would offer you candy.
Your great abiding passion is: confused
Your innermost fear is: uncontrolled
Your greatest strength is: you are very innovative
Your deepest regret is: no one understands you
Your most sincere hope is: you get out soon
Your best quality is: the way you express yourself
Your weakest trait is: communication
Your reason for living is: unknown
When your star is in Jupiter, you will find a coin in the moonlight. Watch for elephants on the 5th. Love looks for you around the corner, so don’t wear a disguise. Look for a sign in the flower petals on the 16th.
When you grow up you will be a captive.
You will have 47 children and 7 cars.
You will live in an alternate reality.
Your spouse’s name will be unimportant.
You will be rich beyond your wildest dreams.
Everyone will love you.
Wisdom will follow you all of your days.
The King of Spades indicates your future. The Card of Death represents a sudden change. The Seven of Sticks turned upside down shows your past.
You were born in the year of the Lizard. Your Sign is Square. In your past life, you were alive. Your wrinkles tell the story of your life. Your destiny is unfolding.
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