Thursday, May 14, 2009


i'm enjoying some Band of Horses right now. the new guy burned them for me.

this is my favorite song so far...Marry Song

it's so nice. we hung out last night. lots of talk. we drank some beer. razzled. more talk. i had to leave because my mom called me because my dad was pissed, or course. i wish i could tell them, "hey i'm 26, get off my nuts." i have to move out first, but that means i have to save...i have to budget.

when i left, new guy was getting up to walk me to my car..he goes for the hug, probs a kiss and i tell him, "can we take it slow?" then he sits down and i walk to my car. i don't think he liked that but i can't lie to myself. i like him and will try to do the friends thing and encourage him to find some other girl for romance...but i know when that happens we'll no longer be friends. for now i'd like to be friends. i can't make myself like him. he doesn't do the right things for me. his style, his way, whatev is not compatible with me. so dad leaves on monday. next week is book club..woo hoo. i'm almost done and yes it got better. i wonder if new guy will still burn me all that music? i hope so...i need to think of more friendsy things to maybe as a friend i can try to help his kitchen...he is not prepared.

or a hike? i think the fact that he's so big and so sedentary is a turn off. i guess if i had an indication that he was trying to get healthier (aka: lose weight) i'd feel better about the whole thing.

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