Thursday, May 28, 2009


So things are picking up slightly today. We got a fab job to work on...yay, and i've spent a bit of time looking for an old file. Of course i didn't find it because the person who worked here before me didn't believe in being organized. Filing for that person meant stuffing papers into boxes. I know i should organize it all but just thinking of that task makes me not want to do it. I need to break it up into smaller parts. Hi, i'm rachel, welcome to my world. It's full of papers. super annoying. anywhozle...don't know what i'm doing for lunch today. I'd like to just get some subway and chill at the park. I should go walking because i pretty much stopped doing that but i really just want an Italian BMT....mmmm...salami. Maybe i shouldn't be about subway salami but i'll take it where i can get it....

speaking of getting it. i'm going to go crazy from sexual frustration. sometimes i just want to rape the new guy but i can't. i dont' think he'd go for it cuz then he'd want to be in a relationship and i don't want to. it may seem shallow but i'm not attracted to him. i kinda wish i was cuz he's a good person, but i aint.

man this Jitterbug Perfume book is really good. I think i'll try to read all of Tom Robbins now. This is my second book about aromatics...the first being Perfume by Patrick Suskind. i love smelling. it is the best. certain smells can be like time machines...they'll take you back, but you can't change anything. bus pollutants remind me of Guadalajara. Certain detergents remind me of hand washing clothes in mexico...posole or menudo reminds me of mexico. old books...well old things in general remind me of my old old neighbors and all of their knick-knacks. how fun...scent memories.

anywho, time to get back to that i have it.

peace out suckers...(i'm the only sucker)

ps. i just remembered this but yes, yesterday on my way back to work, i happened to make a left turn onto Coal, and who do i happen to be driving behind? If you guessed Reggae-Man you are correct. That's like the 4th or 5th time seeing him. On the 10th time i should stop him and tell him to collect his free sandwich..or something like that.

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