Monday, May 18, 2009

whirlwind weekend

friday: therapy 5-6pm. made progress.
6:40pm-walked with Marie
9ish...hung out with chad
-we are officially "friends". i thought it'd be weird but he took it well. so well in fact makes me question how much he liked me...anywhozle.
12am ish...home

saturday: sleep in to 10ish...lounge around all lazy like. parents are at the swap meet. head over to bro's house. he fixes the headlight, puts air in tires and scolds me for how dirty the car is. next, auto zone, then car wash.
5pm mass with parents....left house at 7:30pm...head to marble brewery. drink alone for about an hour then meet up with new guy and his friends.
we proceed to get kinda drizunk. his friends are hot hot hot...mmm, nature men. anywho, i drank too much. we move my car to new guys place and head to some other friends house to razzle w/chronic. things started spinning. finally leave...fall asleep on new guy's recliner. wake up at 4:58am...go home. sneak in. try not to wake my dad who's sleeping in the living room.

i wake up at 12...parents are gone. i pretty much stay in my room all day and try to clean. when i go out i hear my mom talking about me to my sister. good for them. they can talk all they want but she doesn't live here and i'm young i need a life. so yeah, i was pretty much in a not happy mood all day and my mom looks like she's going to have a fuckin' anxiety attack. she really needs to go to therapy. ha. the whole fam comes over and eats Caldo de Pollo. i get ready for work...the end.

drinking changes things. like wanting to sleep all day. i'd do that today but i need to do things like exercise and watch Gossip Girl, umkay? umkay.

my dad left this morning. i didn't hug him goodbye. i kind of feel bad. i mean he was here and i could've tried to bond, but sometimes i think it's too late, even though it's not. he's just so annoying. that's prob how i am. whatev...hope he makes it back to cali safely. hope my mom is okay.

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