Friday, May 22, 2009

Tyrus Toribio

This is the name of the little boy who was found buried in Alvarado Park. They finally found his mother who killed him. twice. smothered twice. i can't understand this. i just think of my nephew and how beautiful he is and i don't see how a mother could kill her child. it's heartbreaking. so here i am at work crying.
To think this little boy only had his mother and she didn't do right by him. I don't have to see his picture anymore. His face is burned into my memory.

So i guess there ARE certain types of people who shouldn't have children. I'm going to base it on a mixture of mental health and socio-economic standing. Tiffany Toribio should not have had a child. Of course i don't know her story and it's always easier said than done. I mean how many kids are planned? But still.....

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