Friday, May 29, 2009

things that make you go hmmmmm?

okay, so the thing about making plans is that they never work out the way you thought they would. about the movie, now i'm not sure. chad want's me to pick him up after work. i get out at 3. the movie starts at 3:30. problemo-mucho? maybe.

anywhozle...i think i ate too much. too many grams of fat, not enough protein, and if i go and have drinks that'll only mean more carbs. but....i said i'd be good today so i should be able to get home at a relatively decent hour and exercise...right? i hope so.

i feel like such a cuckoo when i go to the coffee shop razzled and i talk alot to the person ringing me up. today i was asking abuot healthier options and then asking for no mayo...and a side salad. i fucked up when i said blue cheese dressing though. those little fuckers (fatty dressings) can ruin things quick. i'm glad i closed the dressing. i'm going to put in the fridge upstairs so that i'll have something for salad next week, if i want it. man....35 more minutes...then freedom. i need to do some work and chop some logs before i go out into the world.

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