Tuesday, May 12, 2009

i'm broke

and it aint no fucking joke....why...why can't i manage my money. why do i just spend and spend. this reminds me of the college days, but unlike the college days, i get paid this friday. after i get paid i get to give my money away for the bills that've been there...oops. okay, no more going out and spending like crazy. i have 50 dollars. that is sad. after lunch i'll have about 35 dollars. the end.

i'm going to not let my broke-ass-edness ruin lunch. new boy needs to step up the plate, umkay. i need someone with plans, someone assertive. like okay, i'm getting lunch today...does this mean he'll put out...of course not. am i being dicked around with? no...there is no dick. man...okay i need to stop before i get really dark-sided. time to laugh it off and listen to Sarah Vaughan sing Bewitched...


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