Wednesday, May 6, 2009

too much good stuff

i'm feeling good. i just rsvp'ed for this month's book club meeting. i've been here almost two years and i'm just now going to a club meeting. baby steps. progress.

oh how i love drinking iced-tea. so refreshing. so icy cold. today the heat began. fatty wanted hot, she should've stayed today. i'm burning up out there.

my bro's fam is back and i'm happy i get to see them today. well that's the plan, but i need to clean first. i wonder if my nephew still remember me? well, i'm sure he does but i wonder what's new in his little baby world. does he still want to play with me? i hope so, because that kid is a cute little mother trucker.

blargh...i have work to do so i guess i should get to it. i'm going to start mapping the locations in this city that i've 'met' people. there'll be a few dots on there. how fun. i can do a precedent study of sorts, but with my life. i may miss school.

i miss scrabble. i need scrabble. scrabbleicious...that's like 87points yo.

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