Wednesday, March 4, 2009


it was only until i purchased some rasPberries this past week, that i discovered their spelling. For reals, there is a "P" in there? Yes, the answer is yes. This changes everything. All this time i was thinking they were rasberries, or maybe even something with a 'z'. but no, je suis wrong.
anywho, i had some w/cereal for b-fast this morning and as i examined one of the berries (i turned it inside out to examine the structure), i was reminded of Hasan Fathy's domed structures in Egypt. Is this a sign i miss architecture, or just a sign i miss thinking? i'm going for the second one. i guess i miss talking to ppl about intellectual pursuits. i mean i don't like the idea of being in a conversation where i don't know what to contribute because i feel inadequately prepared on the subject. But i guess i can talk about some subjects for more than a few minutes. yes, i miss the smart-ish talk.

human interactions...amazing. where did they go? i guess moving to a completely new place can do that. i need to get over it.

i was 17 minutes late to work today. i woke up at 6:38am. my body is sore. i did the swimming with the kids yesterday. it was really a blast. my nephew is sooo adorable. pinche mama's boy, gotta love him. anywho, there was that, then later at home i did a Biggest Loser weight training workout. i was actually squeezing my muscles. i think i was doing it correctly becuase i can feel it today. okay, the end. i have work to do. i just want to sleep. i want to be snuggly in bed, falling asleep to a movie. well it's hump-day so the weekend is not that far.

today is my mother's birthday. she and my dad are in vegas visiting my sister. they are looking at houses. my sister is going to buy a house. that's cool. i guess that means she'll never move to NM. oh wells....

one month...then my birthday.

no doubt will be playing a show here at one of the casinos soon. the tickets go on sale this saturday. i was actually considering buying a ticket. it's no doubt man...not gwen solo..i don't like that stuff, but no doubt is diff....i wish someone would befriend me so we could go. fuck it, i live in new mexico...does it even matter now that i want to see them. i feel like i can get away with things being stalker-ish. the end.


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