Tuesday, June 30, 2009

once a fuck up...always a fuck up

so here's the story. i quit smoking cigs late november last year because i was having tooth probs and i couldn't do it so i figured, "why not quit?" here's the current deal. i took up smoking again because i am weak and addicted. i know that i smoke socially and i know that i love being social. i'm about to leave in a few hours to mexico but of course it couldn't just go as planned. my mom decided to take a peek into my purse and she saw the packs of cigs i bought for the trip. so the end. she's now saying i have no respect for her and i treat her like shit and she gives and gives and gives. she does give. what i don't get is why she keeps expecting things in return. holy shit i just had a revelation. i do the same thing. i buy people things hoping to get in return. i guess that is the lesson i learned today. i will never get anything in return because i am the same way. anywho, now she is outside praying and crying and just being disillusioned with me in general. i guess now she thinks i'm going to mexico to party it up like the devil's spawn.

so i feel terrible. shit is ruined and it's my fault. why didn't i hide those cigs immediately. i already know my fucking mother does not respect my privacy (do not search my purse please) so i should know better. i feel like i will always fuck shit up because i am selfish and i do what i want and i will never be the person she wants me to be. i want her to understand that it is true. i will never be that person. i will always be my fucked up self. why can't she love my fucked up self. i wish she didn't think i was going to hell to burn for eternity for all my sins. she told me, "one day you will regret the things you do." isn't that a great way to live your life...living in fear because of some religion. maybe i will go to hell...maybe i won't. no one knows...you only find out when you die so i guess we'll see.

i wish my mom liked me right now. she doesn't. she said she wanted to tear me apart with her hands. now she's not going to get any sleep tonight and i will be miserable for a few days. now she may not help me with getting my teeth fixed. oh wells, we all gotta go somehow. i will probably die from bad teeth.

We'll meet in Mesopotamia

So i'm almost ready for Mexico. I'm getting together some music. I hate all the steps involved. I need to get one of those fancy music players. I have this little 1GB one which is cool but i have to upload songs from cds in itunes...then convert them to mp3s...then upload them to the music player...arrghhh....

anywho, i'm excited about leaving tomorrow morning. i'm going to be in phoenix for 2.5 hours. i'll be bored out of my mind. def not looking forward to that.

i wish i could be one of those people who packed really light. instead i have this huge suitcase filled with stuff. my reasoning is that i'll be there for nearly two months, so it's okay.

man, i've been hanging out with corazon lately and i gotta say i really like that kid. i will miss him when i'm gone. i feel very selfish around him. i want him all to myself but i know that will never happen. there's something about him that drives me good-crazy. i need to accept that we'll only be friends though.

i remember once when all three of us were hanging out he said he thought he loved this one girl, but that she was too mexican. when we hung out monday night he got a call and i assume it was her because he walks away from the table and i hear him say some sort of pet name. whatevs...there's history there. i'll find something else eventually. being single rules...right? yes, yes it does. i'm not ready for "me" to become "we" so i'm good. unless "we" is really really attractive.

okay back to the music thing...i wonder if i can take prescription pills?

Friday, June 19, 2009

White Sands and then some

I'm waiting for chad to pick me up so we can begin our road trip adventure to white sands. So many things have happened in the past few days. No more therapy. Confusing boy issues...i'm going to mexico july 1st...woo. unemployment things to take care of....

my eyes burn. i stayed up until two cleaning my razzle dazzle for the road. i need to be straight up with chad. i think i'll do it before i leave for mexico. we can go back to friends status. i used to say, "why doesn't anyone like me?" now that someone likes me i say, "why can't someone different like me?" be careful what you ask for....for realz.

okay...bye y'alls. be back, hopefully with good stories to tell.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I got laid off this past thursday, right after i returned from lunch. I'm only a little sad. More relieved than anything. I guess life is telling me to go elsewhere, now i just have to decide. I will be going to Mexico pretty soon. My mom suggested I go and I can't turn down a trip to Mexico. I love Mexico. Anywho, i'll be doing that, then Cali for the wedding.

Hmmmm....so many things have happened from thursday to now. I was "that girl" thursday night. I decided to go out downtown directly after leaving work. Lets just say i got crunk. It was such a lovely time, the first half. I chatted it up with some randos and read tons of Bukowski. Lots of chill time. By the time my friends met up with me i was already 5 drinks down. Next came the bottle of rum that was snuck in, in a bag...some more drinks. Some ghetto dancing at the ghetto dancing place. Me walking out to go have a good cry on a bench. Calling friends and saying god knows what. Rejoining the group. Making out with chad in the streets. Falling in the street in front of the bar. No one laughed, i was told. Is this a good thing? whatevs...and later later other things. Freaking out my mom by not calling. Having her call work to find out i was laid off. Coming home eventually only to discover it's okay she saw it coming and now i'm off to Mexico soon. Will i razzle in Mexico...i hope so.

Tomorrow i need to resume with tracking my food and exercise. For reals, i have had way too many carbs today. I'm going to have chad meet my mom tomorrow because our trip to White Sands is still on.

I'm juggling too many things right now. I sometimes do feel like a bitch. I started lying. It's so easy to do...first one then another, then, oh shit i need to keep my story straight.

I wonder if i'm going with this new thing because i can't have what i think my heart truly desires. I know that you can never possess anyone but when i'm around a certain someone i feel a little crazy. I feel like i want to be with this person, but i can't. oh wells....

okay time for something else...razzle, painting, reading or sleep...or all of them. we'll see.

I've been going to the coffee shop and really enjoying my time there. I've been writing a series of poems. At the time they sounded good. Now i know i'm not a writer but as long as i enjoyed it. I'll post them later.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


"our vulnerability is all our insensitivity
and it's gonna be the death of us just you wait and see"

Yes. I am currently listening to Operation Ivy...swoooon. They totes take me back to high school. In my senior year I took ceramics and I sat across the table from a really cool punk kid and some other semi-punk, way more emo kid. Okay, the non-punk was completely emo. I remember reading his poem in the high school newspaper. It was about kissing some girl and how marvelous it was and how sad he was that it ended. Of course it was about 20 times longer and way more rhymey and sad...boo hoo..But I digress, I sat across from them and everyday I'd look at the punk kid's vest. It was covered in spikes and patches and it was tore up. This is where I learned of OpIvy...of any punk for that matter. The seed was planted. Here it is, grown. Me at work trying to rock out inconspicuously.

"Caution is a word that I can't understand"

Anywho, I had a really good lunch. I called Chad and talked to him for a good 25 minutes. I razzled. I got an iced-coffee and I talked to a good friend. There's nothing better than bitching to girlfriends about whatev. It's cool when they stick around despite the road-rage. "No, no, i'm not calling you a 'fucking piece of shit." I'm talking to homeboy in the yellow van."

Oh look at the time...time for me to bust out this work. After work i'm walking by the river trails....yay. I wonder what sort of story i'll weave today?

i'm so confused


are we only friends?
did he ever like me?
why do i always like ppl who don't like me?
why do i feel so sad?
or is it a void?

i want to know more about Homeboy. it seems unnatural this attraction. i just want to forget about the whole thing. change upsets the system.

once you switch gears,
the ride is never the same.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


i was going to write about these awesome books i got (TALES OF BEATNIK GLORY BY ED SANDERS and Bukowski's Sifting Through The Madness For The Word, The Line, The Way) but instead i'll take a moment or two to express my feelings of complete powerlessness in our current economic situation. i learned today that as of the end of june i will no longer have health insurance. this has left me feeling a bit delfated but at least it will push me to go to the doctor's before then. what else can i do. oh yeah, our hours have already been cut. all we need next is to actually be fired. wait and see i guess.

i wonder if this is just a part of it...of living here. i wonder if everyone has to go through shit to come out better. i'll just say i hope so for now. i hope things begin to turn around...

okay, question. why doesn't the government give the PEOPLE money? hey lets give some other fools money. i know that we have to revive our economic system but what i don't understand is why bring it back to life? we need a new system. i don't think that'll happen anytime soon though. as long as we are Capitalists there will be no change. i know some people work hard for what they have and that's all good, but there are so many factors left unconsidered.

ps. now i really hope coffee-shop-guy is working today, because looking's free...umkay...and i'm running low on cash.

taking it back old school

Man i'm being hit by a wave of nostalgia. It's the music and the weather. Everything else is new and albuquerque related. Anywhozle, i'm listening to Alkaline Trio's S/T cd and the sky is brown/gray overcast, it just finished raining and it's windy. This would be so perfect if i was still living at Stardust. I could listen to these heart wrenching songs in the gloomy weather thinking of all my unrequited crushes...oh good times. Instead i'm here, eating my Kashi Vive w/blueberries and soymilk, wondering how much work will really get done today? I love procrastinating y'alls. I alread uploaded a shiz load of songs to my new and kind of whack mp3 player.

I dreamt again last night. I think this is the third night in a row. They are pleasant dreams but i still can't remember them. Chad decided to talk to me again. We are going to hang out tonight. I guess que sera sera, but i'm still not attracted to him. How can I be? I mean i've already hooked up with his cute/hot friend. I guess I'm looking for an assertive cute-ish dude. Anywho, yes, we're going to hang out and i'll see if he still wants to go to White Sands next friday. I still want to go. I still...lots of things..

Even though my clothes fit me better today, and my outfit is totes cute today, the number on the scale is still refusing to come down. That's cool. In retaliation i'm going to do the elliptical for 50 minutes today...what what...okay the end. Time to start my work...boo work...boo urns.

ps. i'm totes going to the coffee shop today. I'm prepared. Cute outfit=check, make-up in purse=check, no lunch from home=check. I hope i get in some words with scott....mmmkay? umkay.

pss. i'm totes trying to juggle 2-3 dude things right now...i love multi-tasking.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

summer time summer time

even though it's starting to get windy as balls outside i'm still wishing for summertime, which is weird because when it does start getting hot, i'm not going to like it...whatevs..

i've had a very interesting day so far. i've been in texts with an old friend from CA. good times. the end.

after work i'm going to drive around and find something to do except go home...home is for suckas.

insanity rising

i can feel myself going crazier right about now. i decided to print some google maps of the trails i walk after work. basically i learned that i'm not walking as much as i thought, which would make sense because i'm not losing as much weight as i think i should be. my first thought was to buy a hamburger but i know i shouldn't. i should accept and move on and plan to move more in the future. man, i'm so jonesing to play some tennis but my tennis parter (sister-in-law) is having baby issues. my niece is running a fever so that is top priority...she needs to get better. i need to whack some balls. i guess it would be good for me to try and find a tennis partner here in the SW quadrant. someone without kids.

anywho, i'm still debating what to do at lunch. i think it would be too weird to go again today, after having gone yesterday to see the coffee-shop-guy. i'm not too confident in this outfit either so it's for the best, or is it....okay, i've got to hold my horses.

i need to buy an mp3 player. maybe i'll do that today.

53 more minutes to lunch...i can make it. i will not go back to that coffee place today...

worse off than yesterday

this morning was just plain unpleasant. i woke up late-ish and got ready. i'm rushing out the door and once i get in the car my right eye-ball starts tearing up/leaking. i think i got lotion in there. so the whole drive to work i'm trying to fight against going to sleep and being able to see. i get to work and my boss decides to run on the air conditioning. i of course didn't bring a sweater today. i didn't bring much today except a bad attitude. so now i'm freezing and i'm mad at myself for daydreaming about the coffee-shop-guy yesterday while on my walk.
even as i was doing it i knew it was bad because there is no point in imagining things the way you want to them to go because they don't go that way. in my daydream adventures he turned out to be a glass worker/blower/artist thingy and he lived in his studio because he hasn't yet wanted to tap into his trust fund. wishful thinking right. after our first encounter of hanging out he asks me to marry him and i say yes...que cute right? right. so i spent 55 minutes walking the river paths playing out how it would be with him. i'm so glad he had money in this dream. so now i feel i'm being pulled in many directions. should i do anything about the whole chad situation? (i feel shitty about how things went down but how do i fix this?) should i even care about Homeboy? is he still alive? probably. Should i go to the coffeeshop today even though i went yesterday and i know scott is there? it's really hard to control myself in these matters. listening to Morrissey's Vauxhall and I is not helping. It only reminds me more of Scott...damn him and his hotness and his nice hair and his tall lankiness and his messed up teeth and his slight speech impediment. okay the end. i think i've expelled about 50% of the crazy.

i don't know what i need.

ps. my friends rule

Monday, June 8, 2009

feeling much better indeed

i could stress out about every single thing i do, but what would be the point in that? todays encounter with scott the coffee-shop-guy has left me walking on sunshine. not to be confused with the sunshine feeling of that girl from the show Intervention...anywho, so i go in and the girl takes my order. scott is at the next register helping out some foolios. i tell her my order then she compliments my necklace. i say, thanks, yeah i made it from earrings. i lost the other one. what's the point of buying jewelery. to lose one piece then make a necklace. i was getting a little wordy at this point so i shut up. then scott chimes in, "have you seen stained glass earrings?" and i say something like i may have seen them. i can see that in my head. i then tell him i'd google it and if it's not there he could be an inventor. at this point i'm standing in front of his register talking to him. then i tell him he's gotta make a pair...then the convo ends, i turn to fix my iced-coffee. i consider this progress. he took part in the convo today. each time i go in there i chit chat with the girl and he's just there, standing, so today he talked....yay. it seems like he has some sort of lisp, which i like, but maybe this is why he seems so shy. anywho, i like him. is it possible to like many people? yes...definitely. there's so much to fall in love with out there. too bad you can't mix and match.

on the drive back to work i was thinking about my lifestyle or rather my sexual politics. i used to really want to be in a committed relationship...then i got my heart broken by the first dude i ever really really liked (to the point where i thought, "could this be love?") then it's been more about having fun adventures. yes, i've had my fun, well, i continue to have fun...that's the thing. will i ever change or should i just embrace myself as i am and fuck the rest? i think i should just not give a shit. we spend so much time worrying about what other people think but in the end it's wasted time.

this whole coffee-shop-guy interaction today has lifted my spirits. i keep wondering if i should be more aggresive by trying to make a move or not. if things keep progressing i may make a move. it's better to find out than to not. like earlier today i was wondering where the used condoms went. i was wondering about it so much that the answer appeared at my feet. i pop out of the car and what do i see? the condom, the box and wrapper, all stuffed under the drivers side seat...go me. mystery solved.


i think i may be suffering from the female equivalent of blue balls. i means it seems appropriate seeing as to how i profess to be so guy-like. all i need are the balls...bam, blue balls. and it's only monday...


so friday night was a blast, with consequences but a blast nonetheless. after work i go for a walk by the river trails then head home to hang out with the peeps for a bit. i end up going to chad's place around 10:10pm. he is cleaning his place, walking around in his garras. anywho, i'm ready to go out downtown and live it up, but that aint happening cuz he says he's broke. so i say, lets go anyways, i'll pay. instead we opt for going out to buy beer and just chilling. he calls Homeboy to meet up with us. when we're on our way to get the beer, Homeboy joins us. we get stuff, which chad refuses to let me pay for, then head back. we begin to take shots of rum with beer. i think we had three before we decide to climb the sand hill next to his apt. thank goodness i was drunk because that was hard work. i got up there last but i made it. we're up there sitting in lawn chairs just talking. we end up talking about sex because it started as truth or dare. i'm not doing any dares, umkay, i'm not moving out of that chair. whatevs...time passes, we're sharing info. chad is sitting in the middle. earlier in the night Homeboy winked at me..i don't know what that meant, but whatev. he later slapped my ass...i'm still okay with this. after we get off the hill we go back to chad's. Homeboy wants to leave with me. i want to leave with him as well. i tell him i'd give him a ride home so we leave. this is where things get complicated. i didn't see my phone, but chad had texted me to come back to his place after dropping homeboy off. of course i couldn't do that because i didnt' go to drop him off.
we drove around all night. we pulled over somewhere and had some fun...it was just so nice, talking to him, holding his hand...being with him. we had breakfast together which was nice as well then we went to the swap meet. i then dropped him off and got home at 10am. i slept until 3:30pm. i later get a text from chad, "what happened last night? did u and Homeboy hook up?" what am i supposed to say to this..i was freaking out a bit. i didn't tell him anything and i guess neither did Homeboy because 30 minutes later i get this text, "wow. none of you have responded. NICE." okay, so you know now, right dude?

Homeboy texts me saturday evening to ask if i wanted to blaze. i say sure. i figure i can leave the house because my mom is not home. so i meet up with him at a friends house and we have a drink and smoke. we leave shortly after. what to do now? it's around 9:00pm and homeboy wants to walk to chad's. the walk there was the longest ever. it was sort of like 1 step forward 2 steps backward. the walk over there was pretty insane. this is where i was wondering about corazon...wondering what is up with him. was he acting all the way over there. basically he's pretty out there and his energy dwarfs mine. we finally make it there and do nothing. i feel like i'm giving out some weird awkward vibes because supposedly Homeboy told chad that nothing happened with us. so yes, we're sitting in the chairs and chad's at his desk. Homeboy looks at me and starts making lewd gestures, sort of seeing if i want to leave with him...i say sure, i'd love to. so corazon then goes into his 'act' of being so drunk he needs to go home. chad eventually gives us a ride back to my car and Homeboy and i end up going downtown. we get dinner and walk around. i learn more about Homeboy. things i wish i could change. i wish i could do things for him but i can't. so now i'm wondering if i like like him. i mean i love being with him...just walking around holding his hand. but anywho, now we're here. chad is mad. he feels betrayed and so much more. i still haven't talked to him. he says he was cockblocked but he really wasn't. the thing is if i'm hanging out with you and we're drinking, yes i may touch your shoulder and lean on you, or something, but this does not mean i want to fuck you. i already told that fool i just wanted to be his friend. in conclusion don't hook up with friends of friends, if you can help it.

i need to call chad and see what's up.

i can't stop thinking about Homeboy. I'm hoping that my regular dose of coffee-shop-guy will help.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

i love this

long weekend

so lots of things happened this weekend. i hurt the new-guy's feelings because of friday night's happenings. pretty much i don't know if he'll still be my friend...but shit happens. i did have an interesting time at least. so, que sera sera...i'll go into deets later.

ps. he was not being cock-blocked. i was not interested...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fridays were made for gangster rap...west coast style

"hold up...wait"
snoop doesn't look too good with that hair...just saying.

so today is interesting. i went downtown to use the atm...saw lots of people walking around. they reminded me that i don't like huge crowds of families, or people in general.

i'm going out tonight but now i'm having second thoughts because i know i'll drink. i guess it's cool. that's why i'm going for a walk and to play tennis today.

i kinda told the coffee shop girl that she looked tired. in retrospect i should never tell anyone they look whack cuz,that's whack-whack..whaaaauauauack.

the end. time to wrap it up and get ready for the outside world.

so many rappers in love

so many fake ass thugs..on the radio...

oh how i love my Westside Connection. We go back to 7th grade.

anywho, it's friday, i'm happy. but at present present i'm a bit grossed out. my boss had this thing on his back that is bleeding so my other co-worker is checking it out. i swear, this place is like i'm at home or something...

i don't need to think about bloody sores...or whatev..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

i aint got nothing but the blues

j/k. i'm listening to Ella and this is what she's singing. anywho, i went to Ranch Market because produce was on sale today and my mother requested watermelon, bananas, cherries and jamaica....she is so fruity...anywhozle, who do i see there? the first dude i met when i went out the first month i was here. we met at the AC and we talked about lots of stuff. we then hung out at this place for a bit then went back. i think it fizzled towards the end. i'm thinking that he saw me as a kid because i told him i lived at home and had to be back by a certain time (11pm..what kind of bullshit is that?). so yeah, i saw him there tonight and he was looking good..umkay? ummkay. he had his nice sideburns going on and his fro-ey hair..plaid shirt. good times. i am certain that in the future i will have seen every albuquerque resident at some point or another.
the end...
time to sleep...finally. tomorrow's friday and i'm going out...i'm too excited. the end fo reals...

ps. that FB scrabble game was pretty pimp once i got used to the screen. it's not the same as having the tiles in your hand to rearrange. but whatev...i want to play again.

bon soir et bon ape-tit

i suck hardcore

scrabble is one of those games i wish i was expert at. all the small words not worth many points are mine. "justice" is def fatty's word. Word.

los angeles activities....

-amoeba records
-shabu shabu
-griffith to hike
-los feliz to check out the hipsters
-taco trucks
-rose garden
-botanical gardens?
-wedding...for sure

these are too many things but i want to do them all...maybe i should look into renting a car, but where the hell would i park it. dario has but one space and it's for his car...i'll figure something out...i'm just so jazzed right now.

i want to do it all...i miss california. hope the weathers good when i get there.


rules...i'm playing facebook's equivalent of scrabble right now with fatty...what what?

i can't wait to go back to cali for that wedding. there are new motivations now.

i ended up going to ross and buying some stuff yesterday. white reebok high tops, pants and some tops. i played tennis for an hour as well. my legs are sore and so are my hands from gripping the racket. the end...i have a scrabble game to get to.

i love flirting and tomorrow's friday...yay...you know i want to go out already.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

what to do?

this song is the jam...straight up. i was rocking out to it in my parked car not twenty minutes ago when i was approached by a Mormom asking me to read a story in the pamphlets he gave me. i wonder how much waste would be cut down if the mormons stopped printing a million booklets. but i guess that could go for nearly every major religion...we love to print shit. whatevs this song is the jam...straight up. full circle.

so i'm debating what i should do after work. i can go take a walk by the river, go to ross and see what's up, or something else...like drink a beer. no, i shouldn't drink a beer. i would if it was friday...damn you mon-fri. anywhozle, i think i may just go to ross. i still need to exercize though...

yesterday i played tennis for the first time in like two years. it was off the chain. when marie gets better, i'll be able to whack that little yellow ball. i need to work on my serve...the end. time to get some work donw...43 min. to freedom. the final countdown...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

billie holiday....i love him.

this song is because i saw coffee-shop guy today. i commented on his music. they were playing music on his ipod: the smiths...le sigh. this is how i almost fell in love with one of my friends, then i found out he is gay. could coffee-shop guy be gay? part of me hopes so, cuz really, if not then i need to make this happen soon. or at least an awkward situation. i can make that happen.

sighing like a contented lover.
chest heaving, heart dancing in my chest,
and all it took was a look.
now if only we can tear down the wall
between us and exchange words
face to face or
better yet, no words.
Let me hear your body talk.

Unrequited-? things are good for one thing.
creative inspiration...expression.
More containers to fill with your emotions.
Empty vessels no more, some even
Who will stop the flow?

(that last line reminds me of blood...hahaha) okay the end.


why do i like Why? so much? Because they sound awesome...

These Few Presidents

"even though i haven't seen you in years,
yours is a funeral i'd fly to from anywhere."

Fatalist Palmistry

The Vowels, Pt. 2


i have to get a pic of the clasp up as well...it's from an old necklace...the middle strand is part of the original necklace....

vital energies are returning

and it breaks my ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha heart

thanks to nehizle for exposing me to Regina Spektor. Es la Bomba!

Anywho, yes, my vital energies are returning. Last night i discovered that i could razzle out my window. how Glorious. as long as the wind doesn't blow the stuff back in, i'm golden, and i just got some of those plug in scent thingies and they smell. smell good, but still, smell strong enough to mask some trace razzle odors. I got nice and razzled and pulled out the paints. I didn't do much but it was fun. I'll keep working on it at night.

After getting home from work yesterday i went outside to jump on the trampoline. It was soooo nice, fun and relaxing. I was looking at all the beautiful clouds and jumping and jumping. It really did feel like i was shaking off all the shit that had stressed me earlier. I think I should jump today as well...the end.

Seven more hours of being here....Six more hours of work....then freedom. It's so weird, i want to hang with chad, but then i don't. I don't know why i feel nervous...arghh...he's going to meet my mom.

Monday, June 1, 2009

neil young is the bomb

i've gone to bury you in the yard.
no longer will i see your copper lines.
no longer will i think of you.
putting to rest what's been dead
for a while.
time to bury the decomposed remains.
lowering the bones in the hole, shall
i place them on a blanket of weeds,
or directly on the dirt?
there's nothing left to consider,
only time to grieve, but not for long.
i've been living with this ghost for a while,
so if it makes it's final departure,
i'm sure i'll never know.
i'm sure i'll keep going.

honky tonk woman

Taj Mahal

so i've had this record- Jorma Kaukonen: Quah (1974)

for a while now and i never looked it up to see what the deal was. i looked it up today and learned a bit. Jorma Kaukonen was a member of Jefferson Airplane then went on to other things and solo albums. I got it initially for the crazy drawing but when i listened, i did like it. man...having records is the shit. yesterday when i got home my mother was still out so i razzled and listened to the Allman Bros. and Pavement. I think I'll listen to this Jorma record today though.

i love this song: Embryonic Journey

i bought some records yesterday:

The Allman Brothers Band: S/T (1969)
The Isaac Hayes Movment: S/T (1970)
Phil Ochs: Chords of Fame (1976)
Pavement: Terror Twilight (1999)

Anais Nin Journals: vol. 1.
early writings by Marcel Proust (forgot the title)

now i have enough to read and do for a while. i need a nap. and some meat.