Thursday, June 4, 2009

i aint got nothing but the blues

j/k. i'm listening to Ella and this is what she's singing. anywho, i went to Ranch Market because produce was on sale today and my mother requested watermelon, bananas, cherries and jamaica....she is so fruity...anywhozle, who do i see there? the first dude i met when i went out the first month i was here. we met at the AC and we talked about lots of stuff. we then hung out at this place for a bit then went back. i think it fizzled towards the end. i'm thinking that he saw me as a kid because i told him i lived at home and had to be back by a certain time (11pm..what kind of bullshit is that?). so yeah, i saw him there tonight and he was looking good..umkay? ummkay. he had his nice sideburns going on and his fro-ey hair..plaid shirt. good times. i am certain that in the future i will have seen every albuquerque resident at some point or another.
the end...
time to sleep...finally. tomorrow's friday and i'm going out...i'm too excited. the end fo reals...

ps. that FB scrabble game was pretty pimp once i got used to the screen. it's not the same as having the tiles in your hand to rearrange. but whatev...i want to play again.

bon soir et bon ape-tit

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