Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We'll meet in Mesopotamia

So i'm almost ready for Mexico. I'm getting together some music. I hate all the steps involved. I need to get one of those fancy music players. I have this little 1GB one which is cool but i have to upload songs from cds in itunes...then convert them to mp3s...then upload them to the music player...arrghhh....

anywho, i'm excited about leaving tomorrow morning. i'm going to be in phoenix for 2.5 hours. i'll be bored out of my mind. def not looking forward to that.

i wish i could be one of those people who packed really light. instead i have this huge suitcase filled with stuff. my reasoning is that i'll be there for nearly two months, so it's okay.

man, i've been hanging out with corazon lately and i gotta say i really like that kid. i will miss him when i'm gone. i feel very selfish around him. i want him all to myself but i know that will never happen. there's something about him that drives me good-crazy. i need to accept that we'll only be friends though.

i remember once when all three of us were hanging out he said he thought he loved this one girl, but that she was too mexican. when we hung out monday night he got a call and i assume it was her because he walks away from the table and i hear him say some sort of pet name. whatevs...there's history there. i'll find something else eventually. being single rules...right? yes, yes it does. i'm not ready for "me" to become "we" so i'm good. unless "we" is really really attractive.

okay back to the music thing...i wonder if i can take prescription pills?

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