Tuesday, June 2, 2009

vital energies are returning

and it breaks my ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha heart

thanks to nehizle for exposing me to Regina Spektor. Es la Bomba!

Anywho, yes, my vital energies are returning. Last night i discovered that i could razzle out my window. how Glorious. as long as the wind doesn't blow the stuff back in, i'm golden, and i just got some of those plug in scent thingies and they smell. smell good, but still, smell strong enough to mask some trace razzle odors. I got nice and razzled and pulled out the paints. I didn't do much but it was fun. I'll keep working on it at night.

After getting home from work yesterday i went outside to jump on the trampoline. It was soooo nice, fun and relaxing. I was looking at all the beautiful clouds and jumping and jumping. It really did feel like i was shaking off all the shit that had stressed me earlier. I think I should jump today as well...the end.

Seven more hours of being here....Six more hours of work....then freedom. It's so weird, i want to hang with chad, but then i don't. I don't know why i feel nervous...arghh...he's going to meet my mom.

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