Wednesday, June 3, 2009

what to do?

this song is the jam...straight up. i was rocking out to it in my parked car not twenty minutes ago when i was approached by a Mormom asking me to read a story in the pamphlets he gave me. i wonder how much waste would be cut down if the mormons stopped printing a million booklets. but i guess that could go for nearly every major religion...we love to print shit. whatevs this song is the jam...straight up. full circle.

so i'm debating what i should do after work. i can go take a walk by the river, go to ross and see what's up, or something drink a beer. no, i shouldn't drink a beer. i would if it was friday...damn you mon-fri. anywhozle, i think i may just go to ross. i still need to exercize though...

yesterday i played tennis for the first time in like two years. it was off the chain. when marie gets better, i'll be able to whack that little yellow ball. i need to work on my serve...the end. time to get some work donw...43 min. to freedom. the final countdown...

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