Thursday, June 11, 2009


"our vulnerability is all our insensitivity
and it's gonna be the death of us just you wait and see"

Yes. I am currently listening to Operation Ivy...swoooon. They totes take me back to high school. In my senior year I took ceramics and I sat across the table from a really cool punk kid and some other semi-punk, way more emo kid. Okay, the non-punk was completely emo. I remember reading his poem in the high school newspaper. It was about kissing some girl and how marvelous it was and how sad he was that it ended. Of course it was about 20 times longer and way more rhymey and hoo..But I digress, I sat across from them and everyday I'd look at the punk kid's vest. It was covered in spikes and patches and it was tore up. This is where I learned of OpIvy...of any punk for that matter. The seed was planted. Here it is, grown. Me at work trying to rock out inconspicuously.

"Caution is a word that I can't understand"

Anywho, I had a really good lunch. I called Chad and talked to him for a good 25 minutes. I razzled. I got an iced-coffee and I talked to a good friend. There's nothing better than bitching to girlfriends about whatev. It's cool when they stick around despite the road-rage. "No, no, i'm not calling you a 'fucking piece of shit." I'm talking to homeboy in the yellow van."

Oh look at the time...time for me to bust out this work. After work i'm walking by the river trails....yay. I wonder what sort of story i'll weave today?

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