Friday, February 6, 2009

FFF:first friday fractals

i should have looked into this 2 weeks ago. the show is sold out for tonight so i have to wait for march to roll around. when it does roll around though, i'll be prepared. well, i'm ready the ticket...dang. i really wanted to see this tonight, but like they say, everything happens for a reason. instead i'll be heading over to the guild cinema to watch this:

Time Crimes
A film by Nacho Vigalondo

this should be fun...i like the guild. i just need to get there early enough to get a good seat. the end.

i woke up at 5:35 am. incredible. go me. i want to turn into a morning person. actually i want to be both a night and morning person. a friend was once saying how she's whitling down her sleeping time so she could do more things. i laughed. but now i'm beginning to understand. i want to get up early so that i'm not late to work and so i could relax while getting ready. drink some coffee. read some internets news...whatev.

the end

song: Watermelon Man
artist: Herbie Hancock

watermelon man reminds me of my father because of his love for this melon and the semblance between the melon and his giant stomach. watermelon man...

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