Monday, February 16, 2009


i guess i'm feeling better. i just have to keep reminding myself to say YES to things that happen. if i say NO, i will create more problems for myself because i can't change the situation, so it's better to say yes. i can't fight life. life wins, hands down, no contest.

so i set a goal earlier in the month of being 10 lbs lighter by the end of february. i think i might of set the goal too high, but maybe not. i really have to work on not being a lazy bum. i will exercise today. in fact i should do it right when i get home so there are no excuses. if i work out there is a greater probability of me losing more weight. the end.

list time:

1. exercise
2. wash remaining dishes...i can do it
3. make tomorrow's food
4. anything after this is good.

i found a recipe for green pipian and i can't wait to try it. i've always wanted to make mole from scratch. the best mole i ever tasted was...was...i can't even describe it, pure heaven. it takes incredible skill to make mole from scratch. anywho, finding this recipe has reminded me that i am Mexican, duh, and that i really really want to know more about the food. Even though i can't eat all the deliciousness that is mexican food (what w/all the cheese, crema, tortillas, fried-goodness)i can certainly make it for others. the idea of knowing those things greatly excites me. i am easily entertained. so yes, there is that. i will make it once i get paid and i can buy all the ingredients.

i also need to watch my sign language dvd. that's another thing i want to learn and could learn....maybe i'll watch that tonight...oh wait, is tonight Gossip Girl? how whore-ible is that? i like watching GG. i think i'm developing a small boner for lance bass. the end. tv has fulfilled its purpose of mindless entertainment.

more later...

ps. floaters rule

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