Monday, February 23, 2009

WHO-RAW...the day, it is ending.

a little over an hour left in this work day. i survived. kudos to me.

for surviving i will reward myself w/a miller lite. is this stuff any good?

oooh, i just remembered. last weekend i went for a walk with my sister-in-law and the kids.
as we were entering her housing area, through the car gate thingy, a car was coming out.
this dude/man had a beautiful beard..and he waved. i didn't wave back. i wasn't prepared.
i missed a perfectly good beard-opportunity...beard-man come back. i wonder if he lives there? and that's how it starts.

that little story just cheered me up...mmm, beards.

can i spend the next 55 minutes thinking about beard-mens? lets find out.

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