Tuesday, February 24, 2009

lunch-time smells

in the beginning i was ragging on some artists that are on this mix cd i have...but now i'm liking them.

i was enjoying my drive home so much. on the way home for lunch today the air reminded me of the ocean for some reason. it smelled like water, water in the air and it felt cool as well, which was a good contrast to the warm sun. summer is approaching and i'm already getting excited. anywho, back to my smells...i drove behind this truck that was probs carrying manure, so i smelled that as well. it was nice...it reminded me of california. on the way back to work i smelled 'pool water' in the air. it was strange, it was like if i was at the pool and that chlorine water smell was wafting the in air. so many good smells out there today.

i especially enjoy the stretch of drive over the river. sometimes i forget that there is river there...not like the los angeles river (this one actually has water).

anywhozle....overall good times at lunch. i went to the bank and saw two PoPos just sitting in their cars facing each other and next to each other, just talking...like they couldn't park in legal spaces and get out to talk...nope, they're going to be in the middle of the parking lot, just talking. i love the popo....dream job.

on a side note: naynay's balls just dropped. i heard them. they went, "plop plop."

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