Thursday, February 5, 2009

my ego was freakin' out

i'm always amazed when i see how easy it is for my ego to act up once again...up to its same old tricks. i went to the coffee shop to just get away from work, whatev. so i get there, go in, ask the coffee-lady some questions, get some tea, then i look around the place to see who's there. my eyes fall upon this dude who i've seen before. i think he saw me too...anywho. i get my stuff then go out and chill. i had a strong desire to pee so i need to go back in. i go to my car first and drop some stuff off because i'm going to get more ice and i need to put the cup inside my purse so i can first pee then get i'm getting ready to go back in, my mind begins to think about my appearance and about the guy. i feel a weird confidence that he would be in there and i would look and he would look. so i go in and he's not there. i then of course begin to panic and curse at myself...but then i get a grip and tell myself que sera, sera. i'd most likely see him again in the future. i walk out to go back to my car and there he is..smoking a fagola...
basically i freaked out cuz he wasn't there for me to see and fantasize about...then he was. there's no need to freak out. in fact, i feel like there's no need to do much of anything that requires deep thinking.

i bought a palmiere but i'm not so hungry that i want to finish it. i couldn't even eat all my salad for lunch. anywho...i think i'm a bit hesitant of eating lots of refined sugar because it's my crack...i'm cuckoo-bananas for sugar. but i did well...i have 1/2 of the pastry for's all good.

on the drive home i was thinking about that dude and how he looks like a knock-off of the original coffee-shop guy that i was gaga for. then i got to thinking how my whole like is a real labels...but then why do i need them. it's just my ego all over again. hear that, knock-off coffee doors open. lets hang.

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