Thursday, February 12, 2009


i can't believe that little fucker and his contaminated peanuts. this is our country. homeboy can plead the fifth while his peanuts have killed 9 ppl so far. oh hells no. then the bailout dudes. hey, where's all that money going, where has it gone? why do we insist on giving these large financial institutions our money? i don't think they did a good job in the first place...but hey, here, take some more money. this is why i don't really enjoy watching the news because all i see is insanity. we as humans are insane. we are fighting each other for money, for power, for what?

everyone should read just ppl who are interested should do so.

so i was watching the oprah yesterday and she had on some foolio who wrote a book about why men cheat, how men cheat etc. another depressing subject. i think cheating will prevent me from getting close to anyone. that is my biggest fear. that the man i marry will cheat on me. then i think should i stay or should i go. too much bullshit. anywho, the book is free for download today on Oprah's site until 7pm i think. i want to read this book.

what else is new....i got a new email, this time from someone saying they were at the party on sunday. so this dude says, "I'm not the man you are looking for, but I was at that same party. I was jealous that you were hitting on him, cuz he's an average joe like myself. I wish I could have gotten your name." in my mind, the dude i was hitting on was cute, and his beard was soft. anywhozers....this is a small effin' town yo. i might like it here after all.

i did do the yoga was difficult to hold some of those poses because my legs were shaking and stuff, but overall it was nice. i will def do again. i want to lose weight, finally.

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