Tuesday, February 10, 2009

it's coming back to me, sort of

so i keep getting more little clues that surface in my mind about the party. was i making out w/beard-man on the porch in front of ppl? that is probs true. was i pimping out this blog? i think i did to one person. did i drink 3 or 4 negra modelos? ok...this i don't remember. i love foolin' round w/guys. so much fun.

so i'm sitting here at work looking at this thing that someone made and gave to me. i wonder if it was made for me or just gifted to me. it made me think about why we get attached to things. for me, it's an idea. i like to visualise the person touching said object. just knowing that it was once in those hands. i think these objects that i grow attached to just mean that i want for human interaction...the touch. how silly is it to look at a piece of paper longingly? very.

blargh...my stomach is gurgling. i keep going up and down 1.5 lbs. i need to start exercising. my metabolism is non-existant. i wanted to go back and do south beach, but i just bought a big bag of grapefruits and some fuji apples. i wouldn't be able to eat fruit, or any sugar for that matter. i'll do it later, after i finish my fruit.

so therapy this week should be interesting. she's probs going to have all these questions. then i'll be like, i don't remember. it was fun. there were jokes, there was beard and now here i am.

it is getting cray-cray outside. the wind is picking up and the sky is looking like an unflushed toilet bowl-muddy brown. i wanted to go to the cofee shop but if i do i'll have to sit inside and i don't really want to see coffee shop buy. my outfit is not cute today, umkay. actually i feel like my cuteness is going down. i need to work on that. the end.

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