Wednesday, February 25, 2009

it's getting hotter

i sat in my car listening to the misfits w/the windows rolled down, at lunch today. oh that gentle breeze, how it did flow over me. i love this weather. it is the perfect drive-with-the-windows-down weather, not that i don't ride w/them down anyway. now all i'm missing is the ocean.
i was thinking about the water yesterday, really thinking about why i like it. it comes down to size. really. standing on the beach at the water's edge, nothing but ocean ahead of you. add in some wave sounds, some crazy birds, hopefully not too many ppl sounds, and you're set. i miss getting lost in the noise and what seemed like the infinite plane of water. the vastness of it all, the mystery, the pounding of the waved...the power. wow..okay, where was i going with that? although i no longer have the ocean, i do now have some pretty awesome sky. i'll take it. on my drive home i wish i was in the passenger seat so that i could rest my head on the door and look up at the clouds and feel the air lashing my face.

i spent some time drawing some random person in my new sketchbook. it's been so long since i've done anything. it felt nice.

i feel like playing with my dogs...both of them. my poor little Guero needs more attention from me. i am a bad pet-taker-carer-of.

the end. 44 more minutes and i'm home free. until 6 that is when i have to go to church for the ahses that will remind me that i came from dust and to dust i shall return. i probs need to be reminded of this more than once a year.

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