Friday, February 27, 2009

new me

Old man....i like how this song really matches my naming system. it's like hey mail-man, coffee shop guy...young dude...Old man. So on my drive to work i was thinking about age. What brought this on is my pending 26th b-day. I dont' feel 25, i don't feel old. I just feel like i've seen some crazy shit. I think i'll grow up and never feel as old as my body. That's what scares me. To be old and still have your young mind. To be viewed as crazy...i'm not crazy, you're crazy...ha, no. Lots of ppl are crazy because of their chosen way of life...what's worse is that most ppl don't know. We don't have to be just consumers....okay the end...listen to this old man jazzz.

Heart of Gold...i think i may have heard this before. I really like this. I don't know why i never ever before looked up Neil Young. I'm a little slow, but i'm glad i found him. Now I can buy some of his records. I really dig this vibe and the harmonica. It's such a lovely instrument.

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