Wednesday, February 25, 2009

taking care of business....

so yesterday was my 'taking care of business day.' i had to go to sear's to return some stuff and i ended up going to barnes and noble as well. i'm glad i did. i picked up some magazines HI-FRUCTOSE, The Big Take-Over and Nylon ( i couldn't resist). Anywho, i'm going through hi-fructose, enjoying all this awesome art, so i check out some of the artists online, which leads to more clicking, more seeing. i love it all. i love looking at art and seeing what ppl are doing. it reminds me of awesome ppl and it reminds me that to be creative and make, you just have to do it.

i have to pee...quelle surprise.

today is ash wednesday. how quickly the time passes.

i need to get cracking on my mom's b-day's right around the corner....
i am going to send her a birthday package w/
1. chimes i made
2. cookies i baked
3. a card
4. possibly some tea
5. spending monies...for my dad to take her out to eat?
6. framed pictures of grandkids...for my dad as well

man i need to get cracking on this package.
i think i'll work on the card now, since that i can do.

"some people are quite allright, i'm bored by all the rest."
-Springtime Fall by Dear Nora

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