Monday, February 23, 2009

weekend update

the 28th day, exactly. i am amazed. it's like science. maybe i should've looked at a calendar earlier so i wouldn't have been taken by storm. anywho, i woke up at 1:30 am for the express purpose of being in pain. i popped an oxycod and managed to go back to sleep. i think it worked because i was feeling good when i woke up, late, at 6:36 am. i did manage to be only 3 minutes late which i think is amazing because i usually always take 1 hour to get ready, regardless. now i'm glad that i decided to put my food together last night instead of waiting for this morning.

the day is odd. there are clouds in the sky. they are like a thin scattered blanket of gray. it's really quite beautiful.

i finally cleaned the gd kitchen.

i feel like i need more sleep.

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