Wednesday, February 18, 2009

whack-a-doo, whack-a-doo

i wish i was proficient at spelling sounds. it's a silly-sound kind of morning. i think I'm enjoying myself too much. today for sure I'm going to exercise. yay...I'm excited because my weight is still steadily decreasing. i am pumped about working out and hopefully helping my body burn more calories...OK enough of that.

for b-fast i had red puffed wheat cereal w/raisins, chopped banana, cinnamon and soy milk. it was good. sort of like a cinnamon banana bread...okay that's a stretch, but i have to keep myself positive. i have so much yummy food to make....i love cooking.

wow, I'm extra a.d.d. this morning.
i once again listened to Op Ivy on my way to work.
i once again enjoyed it immensely.

now i'm thinking of the show Girlfriends. i miss that show. reminds me of fatty. i miss her too...but not for long. this is the year of people visiting me...hoorah.

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