Thursday, April 30, 2009


i am so le tired it aint no joke. i have most of the cleaning done. left to do is the laundry, the kitchen (few dishes, counters, floor), my room-maybe, probs not...

i am just now sitting down. i knew this could be dangerous. my ass feels so good in this chair. so good in fact that i fear i do not want to get up, but i must. that laundry aint going to launder itself. it's still relatively early considering i stayed up last night until 1am watching The L Word and that before that i had accomplished nothing with my after-work hours. it does feel early, but i shouldn't get cocky. before i know it it'll be one and i will be even more pooped. but it's all worth it yo cuz tomorrow Fatty gets here...yay!!!

okay, still have to finish the rest of this bullshit and put together my lunch. i was so busy with cleaning that i didn't really eat dinner. i am in the process now of eating some blueberries. go fiber and hopefully antioxidants.

i'm wishing there was a laundry fairy right about now...i have all these sheets and blankets to wash...ughhh. man it feels good to complain a little bit..sometimes a lot a bit..that makes no sense. this is why people need sleep.

i have not turned on the tv today. what an accomplishment. i seriously started cleaning right when i got home. that's first. i think i spent about 1.5 hours cleaning the restroom...that shit is CLEAN. i think that's the most important room to have clean when guest are coming. i hate going to other peoples houses and using a funky bathroom. i don't like seeing hairs, be them pubes or head hair...whatever, it's all not cool. the end

i'm listening to a Townes Van Zandt record right now. it's just been a day of records. i think i need some more Peter Paul & Mary...i love their music. anywho, now i'm just rambling as a form of procrastination....

time to get back to the grind...oh joy. as consolation i can think of the hot springs that await us on saturday.

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