Friday, April 3, 2009

yum is the day of yum

what an odd word...lunch. anywho, i'm eating my lunch right now and i have to take a break because the tip of my tongue is on fire. I made ceviche and i put in too many chili flakes. It's super off-the-chain though.

18 large shrimp raw, butterflied and deveined
enough lemon juice to cover the shrimp with (i used a glass measuring cup thingy)
1 avocado
2 medium tomatoes
1/4 onion
pinch of oregano
pinch of dill
fresh pepper
chili flakes

Place prepared shrimp in the lemon juice. Cover and put in refrigerator. Let cook for minimum of 3 to leave overnight.

In a med. bowl combine the chopped avocado, onion, tomatoes and spices. Squeeze juice of 1/2 lemon in. Mix and cover. Store in Fridge until shrimp are ready.

When shrimp are cooked thouroughly, add them to the veggie bowl. You can add some of the lemon juice. Mix and enjoy.

These are usually eaten with tostadas and other recipes have cilantro...but this is what i had a home. Like i said it turned out awesome, less chili next time. I'm eating mine with cucumber rounds.

Todays walk in the park was awesome. I'm improving on my time and it's getting easier. The first time around is the getting warmed up round...the second time around is the my legs are beginning to feel it round, and the last time around is the this feels good round and i wish i had more time to go four times around instead of three. Anywho, it was super windy so there weren't that many people there. In conclusion, it ruled. The trees were swaying all crazy like, my earring were making hella noise, and the sun was vibrant behind the few clouds. the end...can you tell i really enjoy this?

What else is new? no word on the guy-i'm-supposed-to-meet-front yet. mabye this is for the best. i always get carried away before i even see anyone. i need to work on this. i put on make-up for this? yes, yes i did.

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