Friday, April 24, 2009

update update update: i've been burglared

so first things first...the ear issue is gone, my hearing has gone back to normal. the Crips and Bloods movie was really good. it really makes you think about what kind of fucked up shit we've done to ourselves because the conditions have been there building up.
anywho, i get home after the movie to discover that the house had been broken into. there was shit everywhere. they ended up taking my laptop and the computer backback. good thing they didn't open all the drawers...i still have my camera. i think they also took my 30 dollar mp3 player. i dont' really care about that. i will miss the pics and music and documents and photoshop that were on my laptop. shit happens. four other houses in that area were also hit. yay, i am now part of another statistic. that shit is useful.
i thought those mofos had taken my little Peppers as well but after asking neighbors, i found that animal control had come to pick up another dog and had taken Peppers as well. I tried to go for her today but she has to stay until monday to be spayed, tagged and all this other jazz. she looked so sad in that little filthy compartment. i cleaned up her poop and pee and they let me play with her. i gave her some treats. i miss her. she must be freaking out thinking why is my mother leaving me. i'm going to visit her tomorrow morning so hopefully she won't hate me in the end.
it's been a pretty hectic but i'm hoping that things will settle down again. i have so much to clean and put away. i'm def not looking forward to doing this, but i can't leave it looking like i'm squatting there.
je suis le tired. i was up until like 5am with the guy and his friend. we got ridic. the end. time to do some work....or just zone out

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