Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday is the way to go

oh, my left leg is more sore than my right leg. i forgot my tennis shoes at home. now i have two choices. i can either go home and get them at lunch and not walk during that time, or not go and just walk in my chucks. hopefully they don't fuck up my feet.

i woke up earlier this morning after having dreamed of Steven again. Oh freshman year of college crush, why do you haunt me so. at one point in the dream i was running to keep up with him. how sad, even in dreams they run from me. but i did get to kiss him eventually, in the dream. okay the end. anywho, yes, i woke up earlier to iron my shirt so as to not look like a proff. hobo...i'm just part time right now. i love having time in the mornings because i get to do fun stuff like listen to records. i was really craving The Only Living Boy In New York by Simon and Garfunkel and i got it. i like that song. it makes me feel feelings...woah. this is my last friday as a 25 y/o. part of me is sad, part of me is whatev, que sera sera, you know?

i'm seeing my therapist today. i have to start thinking of what i'm going to say.

the only living boy in new york...aaaahhh...hey.

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