Friday, April 10, 2009

Is it over yet?

I need this day to be over A.S.A.P. I'm tired, hungry and i just want to sleep. I'd actually like to just be at home doing more things (finishing cleaning). I want to watch my movie and razzle...or just sit and do nothing. These past two days i've not gotten enough sleep because I met some dude and we hung out. He's pretty chill, creative, open-minded...good on paper. We watched Something Wicked This Way Comes, last night and at one point he gets up and is moving around in the kitchen. When he comes back he gives me a plate of chopped fruit which is awesome because i can eat fruit. Anywho, i thought it was really nice, but i oscillate between whether or not anything will happen. He seems confident and stuff but he hasn't made a move...what up with that? It's probs a good thing...the more time that passes. I got to meet one of his friends last night. He seems interesting. Anywho, the end. I told him i couldn't hang out today because of Good Friday. I think he may have laughed. Do i need to find someone that understands my level of religious involvement and my mixed feelings/guilt associated with it? I probably do. But all i ask the universe is that when that happens, would it hurt to throw me a bone? A big juicy, meaty, hot, hotness of a know...a bone i'd want to bone?

Regardless of what goes down i'd really like to be his friend because it really is nice hanging out. Or having someone semi-compatibale to hang out with.

Fuck...2 hours and 10 bloody minutes until i can go to lunch. I need to go to the therapist needs her 20 dollars. I guess i'll tell her about my mild depression over my birthday weekend and how drinking is horrible and about this dude...yup, my life is getting structured and boring/predictable. I need some more craziness, but am i too old already? No, i'm just lazy right now.

Record man said the album Real Emotional Trash by Steven Malkmus and the Jicks would be in on Friday. I can't remember if it's today or last week. I'm going to give him a call....maybe i can swing by on my lunch break.

okay...time to do more data entry, essentially....why??????

countdown to partytown: 5 days!!!!!!!!

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