Tuesday, February 10, 2009

change in the weather

i think nature is talking to me. it's saying, 'hey racheeze, what's up? how's it going? are you up to anything? cuz if you're not you should come outside and just chill and look at the clouds." man, weather, i wish i could. two more hours until i get to drive home and look at things. this really is a highlight of my day. anywhozer, i went to the coffee shop and i did in fact see the dude. but it's all good, i didn't care as much. things are improving. i chatted with the coffee girl about hair. she is nice. maybe one day i will take it further and ask her name. who knows. then next thing i'll ask if she wants to hang out. back to my story...i end up going and i sit outside. it had started to lightly snow earlier so little specks were falling sporadically. i'm drinking hot coffee...looking at the wall of the adjacent building. someone had once tagged MEGADETH on it, but it's since been painted over. i could still see it though.
anywho, the cofee along with the razzle-dazzle and the weather have turned my mood around. i am now looking forward to enjoying my day. i've decided to try and put as much of my stuff online as i can...photos, vids...that type of stuff. or else they shall remain in boxes, unseen. i was looking at some vid i took at the aquarium. i really enjoyed it. wow, how weird, me liking my own stuff. unheard of. anywho, yes. the vid has the voice of a dude who i saw a couple times.

i wonder if i start a blog about beards, if i can just go up to random beard-men and ask if i can photograph them? if i had the balls i would soo do it. just a little longer. my balls are thinking about dropping. then it's on. after all, i shouldn't really care about what ppl think, right? right. THIS BEARD MAN PROJECT MAKES ME WANT A POLOROID CAMERA. I always wanted one. ok...ca suffit..j'ai besoin de faire le travail. i need to relearn french. blargh. i miss knowing all that stuff.

my attempt to reach beard man

has been answered by one person who is not beard man:

"I'm not the guy at the party but I have a beard and love being felt up. Let me know if you want to play."

he also included a picture of his d....not bad but i don't think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA you better get ON that...ew, I sound like a douchey mcturd...

I love the videos! It's fun to hear your voice.