Tuesday, February 17, 2009


HA...so my boss it out sick today and my coworker came in my office to announce,"no Dick today." of course i had to make a joke about it. we were laughing for a hot minute. aww yes...this will tide me over for today. i will hear these words. how will i live, for there is no dick for me today? i'll find a way. i'll survive. i usually do.

on the drive to work this morning the clouds over the mountain were awesome. the sky here is like an ever-changing water color. i really want to take good pictures of it. i feel like i need to go do something naturey....the weather is not too bad. i haven't been to the peak yet...i wanted to go w/people, but tough times call for me to go alone.

anywho, the sign language vid i have is old but good...it has relevant phrases. i still need to find other sources to really learn the basics. i did the Biggest Loser Workout. it was good. i was lazy for the longest time but then i decided to do it. i'm glad i did. i am just having the most awesome morning...and will probs continue to do so, until the phone rings.

i listened to Operation Ivy on my drive to work. argh....i love them. they remind me of high school. those were good times. the poetry readings...the angst...the cute punk boy. anywho...i've already spilled something on my white sweater.

i keep thinking about coffee shop boy. of how much i would enjoy talking to him and his crooked teeth. the day will come, when i won't need to be shy. not yet though. once i build more confidence...then Bam. he won't know what hit him, in a good way.

okay time to do pipe labels.

i'm listening to diana krall's station on pandora...i hope the other artists are good. the end...have a most pleasant day.

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