Friday, February 27, 2009

Split-Pea Soup is off the chain

and it has like 12 grams of fiber per serving. crazy, right? i tried my hand at it last night and i'm glad i did. it is sooooo yummy. soup=the bomb.

i am so glad it's friday. it is too early for this work-fuckery. fur realz....everything is going great then i get here. blah. oooh, on the way to work this morning i saw some guy in a blue car...when we stopped at a red light i looked over, because i always look at everyone, i'm a lookie-lou, anywho, yes, he looked over as well and he starts saying something. our windows are up so i have no clue, but he keeps looking over and i can only imagine what he said. if i had my way i'd make it some sort of dirty-talk. that's a good way to start the morning. then he made a right and i made a left and that was that. the other day i was checking out some dude in a garbage truck and he saw. i really am an equal opportunity looker. hey, you're driving a dump truck, cool you have a job, but are you cute?

i totally forgot to grab some toast...i need more carbs man. more bread. i miss cookies.
the end. i have all this work to do but i have to eat my breakfast first.
1/2 cup FF yogurt
1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese
1/2 banana
1/2 apple
1/8 cup raising
1/2 tbsp of sliced almonds

next time i'm only making half. i'm already kind of not hungry. it could be the Spinach and Apple drink that i had...that i have every morning. gotta keep things flowing you know?

man, i still need to work on mom's package. i am such a lazy bum. i have to do it tonight.

i need a new receiver. i miss playing records. the end.

***mmm, coffee shop guy, mmm. it's always good to start your day w/good thoughts***

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