Thursday, February 5, 2009


this morning en route to work i talked to my south dakota best friend. i told her that i didn't know what i was thinking when i wanted to be w/that dude [i was probs thinking about the booty on the reg.] The thing is he doesn't recycle. that should've been the immediate deal-breaker, for realz. how can i be w/someone who fills their trash can w/reclyclables. that shit will make me cry. come on ppl, please just spend a few minutes separating recyclables from trash.

-paper products
-plastic [look for number on bottom of container...#3, 6, and 7 are rarely recycled
-metal, aluminum
-organic matter [composting]

In conclusion, recycling is awesome and even though it may not be perfect, we should try to do our part to not fill our world w/trash and maybe cut down on how much we consume. the end.

oh yeah back to the guy...anywhozle, my friend said an exception may be made if he was excellent in bed. no exceptions here.

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